RC13 - Democratization in Comparative Perspective

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04Oct 2024

RC13 at the CEPSA conference

RC13 organized two panels within the Central European Political Science Association (CEPSA) conference, which took place at Vytautas Magnus University in Kaunas, on 3-4 October 2024. On the photo below, participants of one of these panels, i.e. Democratic backsliding - from Brasil to Latvia, which took place on 4 October, including the RC13 chair Adam Szymański, RC13 vice-chair Mithila Bagai and the member of the RC13 Board Irmina Matonyte who organized the RC13 panels within the CEPSA conference. Thank you, Irmina!


27Jun 2024

IPSA 75th Anniversary Conference - RC13 panels

Dear RC13 Members.

I am happy to inform you that we organize the following panels within the IPSA 75th Anniversary Conference "Democratization and Autocratization" in Lisbon on 11-13 September 2024:

1.Democratization and Autocratization - Multidisciplinary Approaches

2. Challenges to Democracy in Latin America (together with RC34)

3. Democratic Resilience and Resistance to Autocratization (together with RC34)

4. Regional and cross-regional perspectives on autocratization (together with RC34)

For more details, see: https://www.ipsa.org/events/75-anniversary-Lisbon


Adam Szymański, RC13 Chair

15Jun 2024

RC13 panels as the CEPSA conference

Dear RC13 Members.

I am happy to inform you that our RC13 will organize two panels within the Central European Political Science Association (CEPSA, https://www.cepsanet.org/) conference, which will take place at Vytautas Magnus University in Kaunas, on 3-4 October 2024.

These two panels will be:

1. Democratic backsliding - from Brasil to Latvia.

2. Belarusians amidst regional and national turbulences in post-2020 times.


Adam Szymański

RC13 Chair

28Mar 2024

Call for papers

Dear RC13 Members.

Together with RC17, we would like to organize the common conference in Taipei in October this year. Please, consider your participation and submitting either a closed panel or individual paper. Below, you have the call for proposals:

New Trends in the Study of Democracy and Autocracy: A Joint International Conference of IPSA RC 13 and RC 17
Call for Proposals

Date: October 27, 2024

Keynote Speakers:
Prof. Adam Szymański (RC 13 Chair, University of Warsaw, Poland)
Prof. Min-Hua Huang (RC 17 Chair, National Taiwan University, Taiwan)

Conference Venue:
College of Social Science, National Taiwan University, Taipei, Taiwan

IPSA RC 13 (Democratization in Comparative Perspective)
IPSA RC 17 (Comparative Public Opinion)
Department of Political Science, National Taiwan University

Conference registration is free of charge.

This conference is a collaborative initiative between IPSA RC 13 and RC 17 to promote international academic exchange among researchers studying democracy and autocracy. We invite proposals for papers that explore the latest trends in democratization and autocratization worldwide. While we are particularly interested in the following three themes, we welcome proposals on other relevant topics as well.

Theme I: Artificial Intelligence: Transforming the Landscape of Global Democracy and Public Opinion Research
This theme examines AI’s growing impact on democracy and public opinion research, exploring AI’s dual role as a facilitator of democratic engagement and a potential tool for manipulation. Discussions will explore the ethical considerations of AI, its impact on electoral integrity, and the challenges of ensuring AI reinforces rather than undermines democratic values.

Theme II: US-China Power Dynamics: Assessing the Impact on Global Democratization
This theme explores the impact of US-China tensions on global democratization. We will assess how this great power rivalry affects the promotion of democratic norms and international support for democratic institutions, with a focus on the strategic implications for national policies.

Theme III: Navigating Measurement Challenges in Democratic Backsliding
This theme focuses on the complexities of measuring democratic backsliding. Our goal is to enhance existing assessment tools and develop innovative methodologies, employing survey indicators to identify signs of democratic erosion and bolster the resilience of democratic systems.

We are keen to host mixed panels, combining expertise from RC 13 and RC 17, to enhance interdisciplinary exchange. Submissions that intersect with both committees’ interests are especially welcome, as we hope to showcase the collaborative insights of our members and enrich the conference dialogue.

Submission Guidelines:
We welcome submissions for both closed panels and individual papers, aiming to accommodate a wide range of research interests and foster a rich exchange of ideas:
For Closed Panels:
- Please include the panel title, a short abstract (200–250 words), and the name, academic title and affiliation of the chair.
- Please submit titles and short abstracts (200–250 words) for each paper along with authors’ names and affiliations.
- Please note that a panel may consist of no more than 5 papers.

For Individual Papers: please submit the paper title, a short abstract (200–250 words), and the author’s name, affiliation, and academic title.

Submission Process:
- RC 17 members should submit their proposals to Carol Hsu at: asianbarometer@ntu.edu.tw
- RC 13 members should submit their proposals to Adam Szymański at: ar.szymanski@uw.edu.pl

The submission deadline is Sunday, July 21, 2024, at 11:59 p.m. GMT+8.

09Jul 2023

RC13 Session Buenos Aires

Dear Colleagues.

If you take part in the IPSA Congress in Buenos Aires on 15-19 July 2023, I would like to invite you to the panels organized by our RC13 Democratization in Comparative Perspective. We will have 14 panels at the congress (in person format) as well as 2 virtual panels.

The list of our panels with relevant information is here:



See you soon in Buenos Aires!

Adam Szymanski

RC13 Chair

03Jul 2023

RC13 Business Meeting in Buenos Aires

Dear IPSA RC13 Members.

If you take part in the IPSA congress in Buenos Aires, I would like to invite you to the RC13 Business Meeting which will take place on 17 July at 12.45-13.45 UTC-3 in room SJ1 117 at the Universidad Catolica Argentina (UCA). We will elect a part of our Board and discuss the activities of our Committee.


Best regards

Adam Szymański

RC13 Chair

19Jan 2023

Deadline for submission of papers extended

Dear RC13 Members.

We would like to ask you to consider submitting:
b) closed panel proposal: https://wc2023.ipsa.org/wc/submit-panel
for the 27th World Congress of Political Science, which will take place in Buenos Aires on 15-19 July 2023.
As for paper proposals, the RC13 Session includes many interesting panels which you can join with your paper.
Important information: The deadline for the submissions has been extended to 1 February 2023.
Best regards
Adam Szymański
RC13 Chair

12Jul 2021

26th World Congress - RC13 panels


Continue reading

11Jul 2021

RC13 Business Meeting - Wednesday 14th July 2021 @15h30

Dear members of RC13,

The IPSA World Virtual Congress 2021 has just started - at which our Research Committee is running 10 panels.

We would like to invite you to also attend RC13's business meeting, which will take place on Wednesday, 14th July at 15.30 UTC (https://live.wc2021.ipsa.org/agenda/session/584487). The link to the meeting is as follows:



The agenda of our meeting will be:

1) Election of the new Chair of the Research Committe (of 4 years) - Prof. Bartłomiej Zdaniuk from the University of Warsaw. He seeks to resign from his post due to his commitements as an Ambassador.

2) Re-election of the Research Committee Secretary, Ms Melba Nyabereka from Monash University, for two more years.

3) Election of two new members to the Research Committee board (required according to IPSA regulations).


Please think about possible candidates to put forward during the meeting and consider joining our Research Committee board yourself! 

We look forward to this meeting.

Best regards,

RC13 Board.

03Jul 2019

World Congress 2020 - Open Panel Submission

Dear Members of RC13,

We would like to remind and encourage you to submit the open panel proposals for the upcoming IPSA World Congress which will take place next summer in Lisbon. The deadline is 10 July 2019.

You can find more details here: https://wc2020.ipsa.org/wc/submit-panel

The link to submit your panel proposal: https://wc2020.ipsa.org/wc/gateway?destination=/my-congress/submit/panel

Some general suggestions for possible topics are listed below, however, this is the open list therefore please feel free to propose other topics for the panels:

1. Democratisation and judicial activism.

2. Democratic vs autocratic development.

3. National identity, immigration and the democratic ideal.

4. The role of new nationalism in shaping democratic regimes.

5. The dilemma of legitimacy vs effectiveness in democratic regimes.

6. Democratisation and popular but unconstitutional changes of governments.

7. Democratisation, secularism and religion.

8. Iliberal democracy in Europe and beyond - different understandings and possible models.

9. The process of democratic decline/de-democratisation - the different faces worldwide and reasons for its development.

10. Contemporary elections - still democratic? The question of fainess and competitiveness of elections.

11. The phenomenon of state capture - the impact of clientelism and patronage networks on the state of democracy worldwide.

12. The weakening role of parliaments as democratic institutions.


We hope to see many contributions from our members and look forward to seeing you in Lisbon next summer!

Best regards!

The RC13 Team

18Dec 2018

Upcoming IPSA Research Committees Colloquium / Prochain colloque des comités de recherche IPSA

Dear friends and colleagues,

 It has been some time since we were last in touch and I hope this email finds you well!

You may have already heard of the upcoming IPSA Research Committees Colloquium in Sarajevo scheduled for 12 to 15 June 2019.  The colloquium will take place at the University of Sarajevo under the broad heading of "Diversity and Democratic Governance: Legacies of the Past, Present Challenges, and Future Directions?"  This year’s keynote will be delivered by Prof Kanchan Chandra.

Last year the colloquium took place in Nicosia in June 2017 and it was really stimulating intellectually and socially. Around 130+ delegates from across the globe attended and the papers and discussions were of good quality. You can see the link to the past event here, where you will also find the programme.

The call for the 2019 colloquium can be found online here. If you are interested and able to attend, we will be very happy to consider your paper proposal (with even a minimal abstract to give us a sense which panel to allocate you to after the call is closed). You can submit it here. The deadline is 31 December 2018.

**Please select RC13 as your thematic stream; so will be able to identify you among the pool of applicants when we sift through the applications in early January**

We will be very delighted to see you coming to Bosnia to join us for this research event; if you would like to bring your colleagues and/or organise a panel as part of the event, we will be even more delighted to have a group of scholars joining.

If you have any questions, please let us know. We hope to see you in Bosnia this summer!



Melba Nyabereka & the RC 13 Team


Chers amis et collègues,

 Cela fait longtemps que nous n’avons pas eu de contact et j'espère que cet email vous trouvera bien!

Vous avez peut-être déjà entendu parler du prochain colloque des comités de recherche IPSA qui se tiendra à Sarajevo du 12 au 15 juin 2019. Le colloque aura lieu à l'Université de Sarajevo sous le thème général "Diversité et gouvernance démocratique: l'héritage du passé et les défis actuels et directions futures? " Le discours liminaire de cette année sera prononcé par le professeur Kanchan Chandra.

L'année dernière, le colloque a eu lieu à Nicosie en juin 2017 et il a été vraiment stimulant intellectuellement et socialement. Plus de 130 délégués du monde entier étaient présents et les exposés et les discussions étaient de bonne qualité. Vous pouvez voir le lien vers l'événement passé ici, où vous trouverez également le programme.

L'appel au colloque 2019 est disponible en ligne ici. Si vous êtes intéressé et en mesure d’y assister, nous serons très heureux d’examiner votre proposition de communication (même avec un résumé minimal permettant de savoir à quel groupe vous attribuer après la clôture de l’appel). Vous pouvez le soumettre ici. La date limite est le 31 décembre 2018.
** Veuillez sélectionner le RC13 comme flux thématique. vous serez donc en mesure de vous identifier parmi le bassin de candidats lorsque nous examinerons les candidatures au début de janvier **

Nous serons très heureux de vous voir venir en Bosnie nous rejoindre pour cet événement de recherche; Si vous souhaitez amener vos collègues et / ou organiser un panel dans le cadre de l'événement, nous serons encore plus ravis de la participation d'un groupe de chercheurs.

Si vous avez des questions, s'il vous plaît laissez-nous savoir. Nous espérons vous voir en Bosnie cet été!

Melba Nyabereka et l'équipe du RC 13

18Feb 2018

8th Berlin Summer School in Social Sciences

Linking Theory and Empirical Research

Berlin, July 16 - 26, 2018

We are delighted to announce the 8th Berlin Summer School in Social Sciences. The summer school aims at supporting young researchers by strengthening their ability in linking theory and empirical research. The two-week program creates an excellent basis for the development of their current research designs.

In the first week, we address the key methodological challenges of concept-building, causation/explanation, and micro-macro linkage that occur in almost all research efforts. We strive for a clarification of the epistemological foundations underlying methodological paradigms. In the second week, these methodological considerations are applied to central empirical fields of research in political science, sociology, and other related disciplines. In this second part of the program, participants are assigned to four thematic groups according to their own research topics. The thematic areas covered are: "External Governance, Interregionalism, and Domestic Change", "Citizenship, Migration, and Identities", "Social Struggle and Globalization", and "Democracy at the Crossroads".

The program is characterized by a varied format comprising lectures, workshops, seminars, and one-to-one consultations. During the summer school, participants will also have the opportunity to present and discuss their own work extensively. Participants will be provided with hands-on advice for their research designs.

The school brings together a faculty of renowned international and Berlin-based scholars. Among the confirmed international lecturers are Donatella della Porta (Scuola Normale Superiore), Steve Fleetwood (University of the West of England, Bristol), Macartan Humphreys (Columbia University/ WZB Berlin), Nikita Dhawan (University of Innsbruck), Staffan Lindberg (University of Gothenburg), and Hendrik Wagenaar (University of Sheffield).

The Berlin Summer School was co-funded by the Berlin Graduate School of Social Sciences (BGSS) at Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin and the WZB Berlin Social Science Center. Details on the location and tuition fees can be found on our webpage www.berlinsummerschool.de.

The international summer school is open to up to 60 PhD candidates, advanced master students, and young postdocs. The call for applications is currently open. Applications can be submitted online via the application form on the summer school webpage until March 31, 2018.

The decisions of the selection committee will be announced to the applicants in April. If you have any further questions, please contact the organizing team at summerschool.bgss@hu-berlin.de
Marcus Spittler
WZB Berlin Social Science Center
Research Unit "Democracy and Democratization"
Reichpietschufer 50
10785 Berlin

E - Mail: marcus.spittler@wzb.eu

05Jul 2017

IPSA RC14, 28 & 13 common colloquium at the University of Cyprus (24-27.06.2017). Changes within the RC13 team


Between the 24th and 26th of June 2017, the IPSA colloquium of RC14, RC 28 and RC13: "Democratization and Constitutional Design in Divided Societies" was held at the University of Cyprus. We congratulate the organisers, especially Timofey Agarin (Queen's University Belfast, UK), Allison McCulloch (Brandon University, Canada) and Maria Hadjipavlou (University of Cyprus) for their outstanding work in making the event such a success!


The event brought together more than 130 researchers from different countries and their communications resulted in very relevant and interesting discussions. The full conference programme can be accessed at the following address:


At the colloquium, the three Research Committees also held their meetings, to mark the halfway point between two IPSA Congresses. At the meeting of RC13, the chairman presented a brief summary of the RC13 activities.


At the initiative of the chairman, in order to better meet the requirements for the preparation of the Brisbane Congress to be held in July 2018, RC13 members present at the meeting decided to widen the RC managing team. Bartłomiej Zdaniuk (chairman) and Melba Nyabereka (secretary) will now be assisted by two vice-chairmen: Dirk Kotzé (University of South Africa) and Adam Szymański (University of Warsaw). This widened team will conduct its activities until the Brisbane Congress.


Du 24 au 26 juin 2017, à l’Université de Chypre s’est tenu un colloque intitulé : « Democratization and Constitutional Design in Divided Societies », coparrainé par les RC 14, 28, et 13 de l’ISPA/AISP. Parmi les organisateurs principaux, que nous félicitons pour leur travail remarquable, figurent notamment Timofey Agarin (Queen’s University Belfast), Allison McCulloch (Brandon University, au Canada) et Maria Hadjipavlou (Université de Chypre).

L’évènement a rassemblé plus de 130 chercheurs de pays différents. Les communications ont donné lieu à des discussions très pertinentes. Vous pouvez accéder au programme complet  du colloque à l’adresse suivante :



À l’occasion du colloque, les différents réseaux de chercheurs ont aussi tenu leurs réunions, permettant de faire le point à mi-chemin entre deux congrès de l’IPSA/AISP. Lors de la réunion du RC13, le président a présenté un bref résumé des activités du RC13.

À l’initiative du président, afin de mieux répondre aux exigences liées à la préparation du congrès de Brisbane, qui doit se tenir en juillet 2018, les membres du RC13 présents à la réunion ont décidé d’élargir l’équipe dirigeante du RC. Bartłomiej Zdaniuk (président) et Melba Nyabereka (secrétaire) seront désormais épaulés par deux vice-présidents : Dirk Kotzé (Université d’Afrique du Sud) et Adam Szymański (Université de Varsovie). Cette équipe élargie va mener ses activités jusqu’au congrès de Brisbane.

10Jun 2017

RC13 members attending SCOPE 2017

SCOPE_2017_-_27_May.jpgDear Colleagues,

We are pleased to inform you that several members of the RC13 attended the annual SCOPE 2017 symposium, co-organized by our RC.

The symposium was held from 26 to 28 May 2017 in Bucharest (Romania). This year's work focused on the following theme: Democracy in Development Comparative Perspectives on the Governance of the Public Good.

Please find the complete list of participants and the abstracts of the papers at the following address:


Chers Collègues,

Nous avons le plaisir de vous informer que plusieurs membres du RC13 ont participé au colloque annuel SCOPE 2017, coorganisé par notre RC.

Le colloque s’est tenu du 26 au 28 mai 2017 à Bucarest (Roumanie). Les travaux de cette année étaient consacrés au thème suivant: Democracy in Development Comparative Perspectives on the Governance of the Public Good.

Veuillez trouver la liste complète des participants et les résumés des communications à l’adresse suivante:


02Jun 2017

IPSA 2018 Congress - Call for Proposals Now Open!


Dear Colleagues / Chers Collègues,

The Call for Proposals for the next IPSA World Congress of Political Science, to be held in Brisbane (Australia), 21-26 July 2018, is now open! We invite you all to submit your proposals within our RC13!

Congress website: http://wc2018.ipsa.org

L’appel à propositions pour le prochain Congrès Mondial de Science Politique de l’AISP, qui se tiendra à Brisbane, en Australie, du 21 au 26 juillet 2018, est maintenant ouvert! Nous vous invitons tous à soumettre vos propositions dans le cadre de notre RC13!

Site web du congrès: http://wc2018.ipsa.org

03Nov 2016

CfP: Democratization and Constitutional Design in Divided Societies, Nicosia Campus, U o Cyprus, 24-27/06/2017




Democratization and Constitutional Design in Divided Societies

Nicosia Campus, University of Cyprus, 24-27 June 2017

This conference will bring together three IPSA research committees to examine the challenges of designing democratic institutions in divided societies.

The conference will provide an opportunity to examine the role of different factors (e.g., ethnicity, gender, class, political institutions, efficacy of multi-level governance, the intersection between peace and democratic stability) in fostering democratization in the context of regional and global integration. We welcome contributions that focus on democratization as an open-ended process driven by either internal or external factors, embedded in local, regional, or global dynamics as well as social, economic and legal legacies of the past.

The conference will be convened in Nicosia, Cyprus at the time when the country is undergoing a complex and historic process of designing political institutions to bridge the gap between the island’s divided communities. In particular, we welcome proposals that reflect upon the constitutional design process in Cyprus as well as proposals that develop case studies or comparison of issues of democratization evident in any part of the world or those which engage a theoretical perspective on institutional and constitutional designs in ethnically, religiously, nationally and linguistically divided societies.

Possible topics include but are not limited to:

  • How might the changing role of ethnicity and cultural cleavages influence constitutional design in democracies?
  • What are the factors (e.g., gender, class, etc.) shaping contemporary democratization and institution-building in divided places?
  • Are there regional variations in and of democratic models?
  • What are the benchmarks for democratic standards in divided societies?

We invite proposals for individual paper contributions and/or panels engaging these issues. Proposals that consider how federal, power-sharing or other multi-level devices could be applied to deeply divided territories are particularly welcome. We aim to feature the best of contemporary research on democratic transitions and constitutional design, including new research by established academics as well as by early career scholars.

The keynote speaker is John McGarry, Professor of Political Studies, Canada Research Chair in Nationalism and Democracy at Queen’s University Canada.

Proposals for papers should include contact details of the author(s) and an abstract of up to 200 words.

Panel proposals must include:

  • a minimum of three papers and a maximum of four
  • contact details of paper-givers, and (if you have them) the discussant and chair
  • Panel title and individual paper titles
  • Short description of panel (max 200 words)

The final deadline for electronic submission of proposals for papers or panels will be 31 January 2017.  Notices of acceptance will be sent out by 10 February 2017.  Proposals should be submitted online at: https://form.jotformeu.com/62653954338364

All participants will be required to register for the conference. IPSA has implemented a new category of membership for citizens from low and lower-middle income countries; the list of eligible countries can be found here: https://www.ipsa.org/membership/individual/global_south_category

Early Bird Registration Fees (before 1 May 2017):


Faculty Rate:

Non-member 120 €

Member 100 €

Member from Global South 80 €


Student Rate:

Non-member 80 €

Member 60 €

Member from Global South 40 €


After 1 May 2017, the student rate will be raised by 20 € and by 40 € for the remaining categories.

The organizers will endeavor to provide a selected pool of graduate students/young academics with a bursary to cover at least a part of their travel expenses to the location of colloquium. The decision on the pool of recipients will be made in May 2017. 

Organizing committee: Timofey Agarin, Queen’s University Belfast, UK; Allison McCulloch, Brandon University, Canada; Bartłomiej Zdaniuk, University of Warsaw, Poland; Melba Nyabereka, Monash University, South Africa; Paolo Dardanelli, University of Kent, UK; Thomas D. Lancaster, Emory University, USA

Inquiries can be directed to the organizers at: ipsa.colloquium2017@gmail.com

18Sep 2016

The new managing team of the RC13 / La nouvelle équipe dirigeante du RC13

IPSA Research Committee 13: Democratization in Comparative Perspective

AISP Réseau de chercheurs 13 : Démocratisation dans une perspective comparée

Dear colleagues,

(un message en français suivra)

     As you may have read in the message of Professor Mario Sznajder – during the last IPSA Congress in July 2016 in Poznań, a meeting for our Research Committee 13 (RC 13): "Democratization in comparative perspective" was held. One of the outcomes of this meeting was the election of a new managing team. Through this message we would like to introduce the new managing team and share with you various proposals for the next two years.


Chairperson : Mr. Bartłomiej Zdaniuk

Bartłomiej is a lecturer at the Institute of Political Science, University of Warsaw (Poland). His research initially focused on the contemporary history of French politics. In recent years he has worked mainly on the notion of state consolidation taking for example the case of the Republic of Moldova. He is also interested in partisan cleavages and the functioning of democracy in Romania. Bartłomiej speaks French, English, Russian and Romanian (and Polish - his mother tongue).

Secretary: Miss Melba Nyabereka

Melba recently completed her MPhil with Monash University, Johannesburg Campus in South Africa, where she is also a teaching assistant. Melba works on research in international development and is interested in governance, political economy and sustainable development. Melba speaks English and Shona.


     This team, as well as all the members of the RC express their gratitude to the former team and in particular to Professor Sznajder, who contributed to the good functioning of our group through his hard work and perseverance for many years.

     In order to give new impetus to the activities of the RC13, the managing team – as had been promised during the meeting in Poznań – offers you the opportunity to update the research activities of our group. To do so, we invite you to complete a brief anonymous survey which we will send you soon. Your answers will help us to better target our activities, according to the profile of the members and will encourage participation and collaboration amongst the members of RC13.

     Bartłomiej and Melba, warmly invite you to forward information about scientific events (conferences, workshops) or any other research project that you are preparing, and for which you are looking for colleagues who would like to participate. We will be happy to circulate this information among all members of our RC.

     Please do not hesitate to contact us to request the institutional affiliation of the IPSA RC 13 for scientific events that you prepare. This affiliation will be particularly given to seminars and workshops on cross-cutting issues, with participation of paper givers from different countries and backgrounds.

    We look forward to working with you!

    The RC13 team


Chers collègues,

     Comme vous avez pu le lire dans le message du Professeur Mario Sznajder, lors du dernier Congrès de l’IPSA/AISP en juillet 2016 à Poznań s’est tenue une réunion de notre Réseau de chercheurs 13 (RC13) : « Démocratisation dans une perspective comparée ». C’est pendant cette réunion qu’une nouvelle équipe dirigeante a été élue. Par l’intermédiaire de ce message nous aimerions vous présenter la nouvelle équipe dirigeante et vous faire part des différentes propositions pour les deux années à venir.


Président : M. Bartłomiej ZDANIUK

Bartłomiej (Barthélemy) est maître de conférences à l’Institut de sciences politiques de l’Université de Varsovie (Pologne). Ses recherches ont d’abord porté sur l’histoire contemporaine de la vie politique française. Ces dernières années il a surtout travaillé sur la notion de la consolidation de l’État en prenant pour exemple le cas de la République de Moldavie. Il s’intéresse aussi aux clivages partisans et au fonctionnement de la démocratie en Roumanie. Bartłomiej parle le français, l’anglais, le russe et le roumain (et le polonais – sa langue maternelle).

Secrétaire : Mlle Melba NYABEREKA

Melba vient d’obtenir son diplôme de master dans le cadre de l’Université Monash, Campus de Johannesburg en Afrique du Sud, où elle est aussi assistante d’enseignement. Melba travaille sur le développement international et s’intéresse à la gouvernance, à l’économie politique et au développement durable. Melba parle l’anglais et le shona.


     Cette équipe, ainsi que tous les membres du RC13 expriment leur gratitude envers l’ancienne direction et notamment le Professeur Sznajder qui pendant plusieurs années, par son travail et sa persévérance, a contribué au très bon fonctionnement de notre groupe.

     Afin de pouvoir donner un nouvel élan aux activités du RC13, l’équipe dirigeante – comme cela avait été promis lors de la réunion de Poznań – vous propose de faire le point sur les activités de recherche des membres de notre groupe. Pour le faire, nous vous invitons à compléter un très bref questionnaire anonyme que nous allons vous envoyer très prochainement. Vos réponses nous permettront de mieux cibler nos activités en fonction du profile des membres du RC 13.

     L’équipe du RC13 vous invite très chaleureusement à nous faire parvenir toute information concernant les manifestations scientifiques (colloques, journées d’études) voire tout autre projet de recherche que vous êtes en train de préparer et pour lequel vous cherchez d’autres collègues qui aimeraient y participer. Nous serons ravis de pouvoir faire circuler ces informations parmi tous les membres de notre RC.

     N’hésitez pas non plus à nous contacter pour solliciter l’affiliation institutionnelle du IPSA RC13 pour les manifestations scientifiques que vous préparez. Cette affiliation sera notamment accordée aux colloques et journées d’études portant sur des sujets transversaux, avec participation d’intervenants de pays et de milieux différents.

     Nous serons ravis de pouvoir collaborer avec vous !

     L’équipe du RC13

12Aug 2016

Change of authorities in RC13

Dear friends and colleagues,
As planned, we held the business meeting of RC 13 Democratization IPSA at the World Congress in Poznan. More than thirty members of this research committee came to the meeting. Besides reporting on the organization of panels for the World Congress (Istambul) Poznan we confronted the subject of changing the chairperson and secretary of RC 13 Democratization.
RC 13 has held it business meeting on Monday, July 25th 2016, here at the IPSA World Congress in Poznan.

Continue reading

17Jul 2016

Business Meeting of Research Committee 13 on Democratization,

Dear colleagues and friends of RC 13 on Democratization and participants at IPSA World Congress 2016 in Poznan.
I am personally invite everyone of you to participate in the business meeting of Research Committee 13 on Democratization,
of IPSA that will take place on Monday 25th July 2016, from 13.30 to 15.15 hours at Room PCC-15/7 at the congress venue.
Please come and participate in this meeting. We need to elect new authorities and discuss all the issues about the committee.
25-07-2016 | 13:30 - 15:15
PCC-15 / 1.2

See you in Poznan.
Mario Sznajder RC13 - Chairperson - IPSA

Mario Sznajder, PhD
Professor Emeritus 
Department of Political Science
The Hebrew University of Jerusalem
Mount Scopus - 91905 Jerusalem
E-mail: mario.sznajder@mail.huji.ac.il

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08Jun 2016

IPSA World Congress 2016

To the IPSA RC 13 on Democratization members,
It is my pleasure to invite all of you and each of you personally to the business meeting of RC 13 that will take place during the IPSA World Congress 2016, at Poznan.

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