Dear Members of RC13,
We would like to remind and encourage you to submit the open panel proposals for the upcoming IPSA World Congress which will take place next summer in Lisbon. The deadline is 10 July 2019.
You can find more details here:
The link to submit your panel proposal:
Some general suggestions for possible topics are listed below, however, this is the open list therefore please feel free to propose other topics for the panels:
1. Democratisation and judicial activism.
2. Democratic vs autocratic development.
3. National identity, immigration and the democratic ideal.
4. The role of new nationalism in shaping democratic regimes.
5. The dilemma of legitimacy vs effectiveness in democratic regimes.
6. Democratisation and popular but unconstitutional changes of governments.
7. Democratisation, secularism and religion.
8. Iliberal democracy in Europe and beyond - different understandings and possible models.
9. The process of democratic decline/de-democratisation - the different faces worldwide and reasons for its development.
10. Contemporary elections - still democratic? The question of fainess and competitiveness of elections.
11. The phenomenon of state capture - the impact of clientelism and patronage networks on the state of democracy worldwide.
12. The weakening role of parliaments as democratic institutions.
We hope to see many contributions from our members and look forward to seeing you in Lisbon next summer!
Best regards!
The RC13 Team