12Aug 2016
Change of authorities in RC13
02:24 - By RC13 Webmaster
Dear friends and colleagues,
As planned, we held the business meeting of RC 13 Democratization IPSA at the World Congress in Poznan. More than thirty members of this research committee came to the meeting. Besides reporting on the organization of panels for the World Congress (Istambul) Poznan we confronted the subject of changing the chairperson and secretary of RC 13 Democratization.
RC 13 has held it business meeting on Monday, July 25th 2016, here at the IPSA World Congress in Poznan.
As I had informed in advance the members of RC 13 IPSA, in the invitations to this meeting, we held elections for new authroties, since I and Chuku Umezurike were elected at the IPSA World Congress in Santiago de Chile, 2009 and a change in the authorities of RC 13 was long due.
The new authorities are:
Chairperson of RC13: Professor Bartomiej Zdaniuk of the Department of Political Science and International Relations at the University of Warsaw.
Secretary of RC 13: Ms. Melba Nyabereka, Department of Political Science, Monash University, South Africa Campus.
Both were approved by unanimity by the quorum at the mentioned business meeting.
I would like to thank especially Orly Haimovich and Chuku Umezirike and all of you too for the cooperation I enjoyed along the whole period I served as chairperson of RC 13 democratization at IPSA.
Mario Sznajder
Mario Sznajder, PhD
Professor Emeritus
Department of Political Science
The Hebrew University of Jerusalem
Mount Scopus - 91905 Jerusalem
Department of Political Science
The Hebrew University of Jerusalem
Mount Scopus - 91905 Jerusalem