As I had informed in advance the members of RC 13 IPSA, in the invitations to this meeting, we held elections for new authroties, since I and Chuku Umezurike were elected at the IPSA World Congress in Santiago de Chile, 2009 and a change in the authorities of RC 13 was long due.
The new authorities are:
Chairperson of RC13: Professor Bartomiej Zdaniuk of the Department of Political Science and International Relations at the University of Warsaw.
Secretary of RC 13: Ms. Melba Nyabereka, Department of Political Science, Monash University, South Africa Campus.
Both were approved by unanimity by the quorum at the mentioned business meeting.
I would like to thank especially Orly Haimovich and Chuku Umezirike and all of you too for the cooperation I enjoyed along the whole period I served as chairperson of RC 13 democratization at IPSA.
Mario Sznajder
Mario Sznajder, PhD
Professor Emeritus 
Department of Political Science
The Hebrew University of Jerusalem
Mount Scopus - 91905 Jerusalem